Every story is unique…

… and ours is one of those stories.

Rainbow Roots Urban Farm started as a dream concept in 2023 when Erin & Gretchen decided to bring chickens into their lives and build a little chicken coop for their six little hens. After doing research on using chickens to support an anxiety and PTSD diagnoses, the two friends thought, “why not?” Both Erin & Gretchen grew up on farms in the midwest, so chickens were not a far stretch from “normal”. While they started with six, four of the girls have thrived and as the year progressed, the decision was made to grow the flock and “chase the rainbow” of egg colors. In 2024, JJ was diagnosed with a genetic disorder and Renal Cell Carcinoma in his right kidney. His tumor has been lovingly named “Keith”. Although Keith has been given an eviction notice, JJ has focused his research and efforts on building healthy habits and using health conscious products into the home. As these stories blended together, Erin, Gretchen & JJ decided to start Rainbow Roots Urban Farm to focus on creating and selling products that are beneficial to others nutritionally and in support of positive mental and physical health.

Rainbows hold a significance in our family! Gretchen & JJ have five children, all of whom represent different colors and ethnicities from around the globe. The ancestries within our family represent over 50 countries and five continents. Our “roots” are varied and beautiful and we believe that all people should have the same human rights, no matter the color of their skin, ethnicity, orientation or background. Blood doesn’t make a group of people a family… love does!

Our love for people is seen in our products that we make with our hands and sell to our customers. We want everyone to feel welcome and supported by Rainbow Roots Urban Farm! Our goal is to make and sell products that embody our love for people and support positive health, both physical and mental. We hope that you feel the love that we put into our products as much as we do at Rainbow Roots Urban Farm!

“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”

-Maya Angelou